What a day! I had the morning off from McDonald's and so I did the usual day-off things: sleep in, watch a little TV, do laundry, lunch with Grandma, Target trip with Lexie. You know, the usual. It was shaping up to be a pretty great day. Of course, we can't have a normal day, now can we? On my way out the door, my little brother begged me to drop him off at his school for the 9th grade dance. Being the ever-so-loving (aka pushover) sister that I am, I said yes. Unbeknownst to me, a happy little white suburban was also in the process of leaving. Not two minutes from my home, I found myself following said happy suburban. Strangely, they didn't seem to be able to hear me begging them to go the speed limit from my car and they continued going ten under all the way into town. What should have been a ten minute drive took almost twenty minutes. Of course, by that point I was flipping out because there was no way I could make it to the school and work and still be on time. Enter solution. The corner. Yes, I am probably the most horrible sister ever, but I did in fact drop my little brother off on a random corner. The poor boy had to walk almost fifteen minutes (maybe more?) to get to the school. On the bright side, I got to work on time. RIGHT on time and not before calling my mom and telling her to call her son ASAP. Thankfully my brother made it to the school and home again safe and sound. What a relief!
Granola bars- gotta love them. My mom just loooves to buy granola bars. On any given day, we probably have a variety pack of granola bars just sitting up in our cupboard. So after going almost twelve hours without eating (thank you work), I was famished! A granola bar was the perfect solution. In fact, it's been the perfect solution for the last week or so. You know how in a variety pack there are one or two kinds that you prefer over the others? Well, that's how chocolate chip is for me when it comes to granola bars. I LOVE the chocolate chip kind. So naturally, I've been pretty excited that all I've pulled out of the magical granola bar box in the last week have been chocolate chip. I was really thinking it was something special and was about to share my good luck with my mom when I realized something. The whole box was chocolate chip! Needless to say, that was my blonde moment of the week. Gotta love them granola bars!