Friday, April 22, 2011

New Adventures Ahead!

In the words of an inspired young artist, "It's Friday, Friday. Gotta get down on Friday!" ...Yeah. Today promises to be a good one. Lots of cleaning, finally taking my final, and applying for lots of jobs. If you know of any jobs, give me a holler. I'm on the hunt! I'm sure you're wondering what happened to California. Don't worry, I'm still planning on it. It just might have to wait a year. As it turns out, I'm actually going to be staying in Utah, albeit in a different area. Sorry, you can't get rid of me just yet. On the other side of the canyon is a plethora of new adventures. Exciting! It's been so crazy trying to think of what to take with me and what to leave behind. I'd never really thought of that before. Thus comes the spring cleaning of my life. Lucky me gets to plunge into the world of sorting, tossing, and donating. It's a dangerous journey into the back of my closet, but I can make it through. I think. Should be interesting at the least. Right now seems to be the time for new adventures. With the semester over and spring/summer just getting started, there is that feeling of promise in the air. Congrats to my many friends who are graduating from college this week. How they survived that place is beyond me. I get to try it again in a year or two, but for now I'm just going to work. College and I didn't get along very well. Another crazy thing is marriage. I can't even begin to count the number of bridal showers and weddings I have gone to in the last month. And there are even more to come! Apparently there were some people listening to Elder Scott's conference address. Like I said, there is something about spring that promises a fresh start. Props go to my cousin who chose to make her fresh start by going on a mission. In less than a week, Summer will officially enter the MTC and start working on her Spanish. Looks like I'm going to have to find a new lunch buddy. New adventures. Aren't they the best?

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