Monday, March 21, 2011

Run, Run, Run, As Fast As You Can

Note to Readers: This doesn't reflect my actual viewpoint. I just wrote this because it was fun to write. I actually do like running most of the time. And if you run, you aren't a mindless sheep, so don't worry.

Running and I have a love-hate relationship. It's all fine and dandy when you start out. The blood gets pumping and you feel like you could run forever. A couple blocks in you start to notice that your vision is getting blurry. Did the world just start spinning or is it just me? You push through the fog and keep going because you're picturing that chocolate bar you ate earlier. A mile ought to be enough to burn that off, maybe two. Another couple blocks in, the sweat is pouring off and your legs are beginning to go numb. The feeling is somewhat like that of a wet noodle. You're finally approaching the end of your run and the end of the block seems so far away, even though it's really only about fifteen yards. "I can make it," you tell yourself, "Only a little further." Ten feet from the end, your legs decide to stop working and crawling seems to be the best option. You'd think after a good run that you would feel good, but it isn't long before the nausea kicks in, the stomach cramps, the sports asthma. It feels like your insides have turned into an alien monster and are about to tear right out of your stomach. So why do we put ourselves through all this? Why not just sit at home or go swimming or do something fun? Vanity, my friends. It's all vanity. We want to look good and have others think we look good. Some crack pot somewhere said that running makes you feel better in the long run. Sure I'm all for feeling good, but I don't want to have to be running for ten years before I start "feeling better." So as far as I'm concerned, running is definitely overrated. But I suppose I'll be like the other mindless sheep and keep doing it, because in a moment of insanity a couple months ago, I said I would run a half marathon this year. What was I thinking?

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