Friday, February 4, 2011

Bucket List

Oh my heck. I walked outside this morning and almost went back inside. It was SO COLD! Can I just say I hate winter? A lot. With passion. It’s right up there with the color pink. Now that that’s out of the way…
Funny statement of the day comes from my little brother. We were talking about how “I love juice” sounds like “I love Jews.” Don’t take this wrong or racist or whatever. I love all people, ask anyone. But my little brother’s response to the latter statement was “No, I don’t.” So naturally I asked, “Why’s that?” His response, “They killed that guy.” Me, “…Jesus?” Logan, “Yeah, him.” What are they teaching kids these days??
So, I’ve been thinking. What’s the deal with this whole growing up business? People expect us to decide what career to go into right off the bat. It all sounds great and all, but I have no idea what I want to do with my life! As I was thinking about all this, I started thinking about other ambitions I have in life. That’s when I realized. I have no idea what I want to do with my life! I know, I know. I already said that. But it’s true! I’ve never really sat down and wrote out a list of goals to accomplish during my lifetime. I don’t have a bucket list. Lame!! So, I’ve decided to change that. Starting today, I’m creating a bucket list. Here it is:

  • Run a 1/2 marathon
  • Go in a hot air balloon
  • See Niagara Falls
  • Learn how to drive stick shift
  • Sit in a Ferrari 
  • Sleep on the roof of a house (a flat roof..angled might not turn out so well..)
  • Write a book (with pictures!)
  • Be quoted by someone
  • Pet a shark
  • Swim with a manatee
  • Work at Disneyland
  • Build a tree house
  • Attend a Super Bowl
  • Watch the 6 hour version of "Pride and Prejudice"
  • Drive from coast to coast 
  • Go to at least one concert
  • Go on a safari! 
  • Complete everything on this Bucket List!
Oh yes. Those are some high aspirations. I had to think about that for a whole ten minutes! Speaking of thinking and deciding, have you ever noticed that it takes people forever to decide on something? Example: My friends and I were trying to decide where to go for a bite of food before a hockey game. After 33 posts on facebook, we still didn't have a place set. That's waaay too many for a simple "where should we eat?" Here's one more goal for my life (in general, not just for the bucket list): Make an executive decision! All it takes is one person to say "I'm doing this and that's all there is to it" and suddenly you have a plan. No mess, no fuss, just a decision. This coming from me, the queen of indecisiveness, I know. But that's why we call them goals. They are something to aspire to. 


  1. That bucket list looks pretty achievable to me! What fun!

  2. dude come run with me !!! :) I rode in a hot air balloon once!
