Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Journey to TC

Today is February 3. There really isn’t much significance to that fact, except that some happy person somewhere is one year older and wiser today. Why am I mentioning this? No reason. I just like how it sounds. February 3rd. It just kind of rolls off the tongue. You’re saying it aloud right now, aren’t you? Thought so.
In other much more exciting news, I went on an adventure today. It’s called “A Journey to TC.” TC is the cool person’s way of saying Tanner Clinic. It allows you to be vague and hip at the same time. Oh wait, hip isn’t the word anymore. How about this- it allows you to be legit. Yep, that’s what kids are saying these days. Now that we’re all “in the now,” let’s move on. So I drove to the TC for my very first independent doctor’s appointment. That’s right. Mom wasn’t there. In the words of my friend, “Ooh hot..” (If that doesn’t make sense to you, well, too bad.) So I go to the TC and they point me to where I need to go. When I got there, I had to sign some papers. Ooh no. Oh no. This is the beginning. If I fill out paperwork now, I will have to keep doing it for the rest of my life! Am I ready for that kind of pressure? That responsibility??? Ok, so here’s a question for you: Why in the heck are they having us fill out this paperwork anyways? I go to the doctor because I don’t feel good. I don’t want to think. That’s what I’m paying them to do. And here they are handing me a pile of things to read and sign. The print isn’t even big! Gosh. How rude. ;) Moving on. I went to the little exam room and was chillin, doing the whole temperature, throat culture thing. I had a bitty fever, whatever.  The nurse left and told me the doctor would be around in five minutes. Have you ever wondered what in the heck takes them that long? I have to be on time to my appointment, but then I have to wait for them?? Lame. Well, I have my own theory about the infamous waiting period. You see, there’s actually a hidden camera that’s streamed to a TV in the break room. The doctor and nurses like to hang back there and watch all the weird things people do when left alone in a doctor’s office. I bet they even have popcorn. Of course, they like to sell the best tapes on the DBM (Doctor’s Black Market.) But it’s just a theory.. Maybe…
Long story short, strep test came back negative, so it’s all good. It’s “legit.” Happiest news of my life. My first thought was, “I’m alive!” The prognosis is good, I’m going to live. Hallelujah! I just can’t kiss anyone in the next little bit (doctor’s advice). Oh dang. I had SO many plans. [Insert the rolling of eyes and sarcastic tone here]. So there it is. My little bit of a trip. For some reason I am now inexplicably happy. Something about finding out that I won’t be banned from public for a week just brings joy to my life.  
Oh! And to make things even better, it's sunny outside today! I can actually see a glimmer of hope that we'll experience spring in Utah... Haha! Oh man, good one. 
One last thing. Happy Birthday (yesterday) Kelsie!! Legal at last (: OH! And her picture is finally up on that blog as previously mentioned. Sorry bout that. 


  1. I feel loved. You mentioned me, though not by name. But still.

  2. I love reading these, Alex! I like your perspective on things. Keep 'em coming!

  3. Hahahaha! This was so great! I just love you way to much for me to comprehend. :D
