Monday, February 7, 2011

Epic Weekend

Wow. What a weekend for the books (in this case, blog). Between fights, food, and friends, there was almost always something going on. Not to mention the Super Bowl! But.. We won’t talk about that. Let’s just say that my team didn’t do so well. How to proceed with this? So much information, such short attention spans.

Friday- “Fans Gone Wild” We went to Jordan’s hockey game on Friday to watch the rival game. If I remember right, we were ahead the whole time and not too much happened. Sigh, boredom. Until the last 2.5 seconds. I was just chillin, thinking everything was pretty much done when BAM! Fight breaks out on the ice. Our guy punched their guy (he totally deserved it, just FYI) and broke his nose. It could have been just another fight, but naturally the audience had to get involved. I was kind of just laughing because what’s a hockey game without a fight, right? Well, this guy looks over and catches my eye and starts freaking out at me. To sum up his lengthy rant, basically he said, “You’re all losers. How can you cheer on a team like that? Your team plays dirty!” Of course, these were much more animated and extremely repetitive. You could probably break a record if you counted how many times the word “loser” was said during his little spiel. I really wanted to ask him for a picture for my blog, but I couldn’t bring myself to ask. I would have died of laughter. Mine is only one of a few different encounters which ensued as a result of the fight. The would-be epic fight would definitely have to be Kyle’s. I’m pretty sure most of you know him, but for the few who don’t, Kyle recently had an experience and, for the purposes of this blog, we’ll just say that we need to be more careful around his head than most. Anyways, one of the hockey players from the other team was being a mega jerk to some girls in the stands and it incensed Kyle. Words were exchanged, followed by gestures. Tempers flared and the player wanted to settle it physically. Of course, none of us would let Kyle put his head in swinging range, so the player went on his way and we all went to meet Jordan out in the lobby. We did actually see the player (who had some serious issues if you ask me), but his boyish taunts had nothing to back them up. It was kind of funny to entertain the idea of Kyle getting in a fight, though. I can only imagine the headlines the next day: Friends of Brain-Injured Man Jailed for Coming to His Defense. Good times.
Saturday- “Breakfast of Champions” What a better way to spend the weekend than eating chocolate chip pancakes with friends? And they were quite delicious, if I do say so myself. They were a perfect start to a fantastic day. Afternoon found us exploring a nearby hiking trail and snapping some scenic shots. Of course, the best part would probably have to be when a cute dog jumped up on me with his muddy/horse-poop covered paws. Yummy! Just what I was missing in my life. More adventures were found on Antelope Island amidst an appetizing rotten-egg scent. Even Tim decided to be rebellious and rode the buffalo. Yes, a real buffalo. He lasted 3 whole minutes! …Just kidding guys. Don’t go all animal rights advocate on me. The buffalo I’m referring to is one of those ceramic (?) ones they have all over Utah. The sign says “Do Not Touch,” so naturally Tim wanted to ride it. The little shoulder devil won that conversation and presto! Tim has a picture on the forbidden buffalo. Later on, we watched “The Prestige.” Question: How many of you figured it out before the end? I won’t spoil it, but I’ll just say that the first time I watched that, my head hurt from trying to figure it out. The second time just solidified the fact that it’s an amazing movie. Haven’t seen it? Take a trip to Redbox and watch it. Then watch it again, because you probably missed something.
So that was an interesting week. I can only imagine how I’m going to top it this week!


  1. "Who needs Vegas?" ;) It was definitely a fun weekend (even though I missed out on the above events of Friday and Sunday). We should go to Antelope Island again when we can have more time to roam and explore, and go buffalo tipping.

    I have to say, I am a little disappointed that you forgot to mention the breadtwists... and the green pillow at Ross... and your amazing Wii skills... ;) Oh, and the YouTube videos that got stuck in our heads.

    A'ight, off to bed with me!

  2. Thank you for adding the above mentioned things. I was a wee bit tired when I wrote that. It was around 2 AM after all.. Haha!
